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New Tool Eradicates The #1 Root Cause Of Allergies

If you’d like to relieve sneezing, coughing, itchy, runny, or stuffy nose…

And FINALLY, start enjoying a clean, allergy-free (and disease-free) space WITHOUT having to worry about :

  • Buying costly air purifiers and their ongoing filter replacement
  • Toxic chemicals that kill allergens but also kill you along the way
  • Daily pills that only treat the symptoms without any fix long term
  • Daily pills that only treat the symptoms without any fix long term
  • Having to daily clean your home from top to bottom like crazy

Having to daily clean your home from top to bottom like crazy...

Know More

If you’d like to relieve sneezing, coughing, itchy, runny, or stuffy nose…

And FINALLY, start enjoying a clean, allergy-free (and disease-free) space WITHOUT having to worry about :

  • Buying costly air purifiers and their ongoing filter replacement
  • Toxic chemicals that kill allergens but also kill you along the way
  • Daily pills that only treat the symptoms without any fix long term
  • Daily pills that only treat the symptoms without any fix long term
  • Having to daily clean your home from top to bottom like crazy

Having to daily clean your home from top to bottom like crazy...


Because Americans are now rushing to grab these UVO254TM Lamps at a deeply discounted price, and as a consequence, it’s running out of stock super fast!

Furthermore, because of the current state of the world, when it does run out of stock, we will not be able to sustain the discount or even guarantee that the product will be available prior to the end of allergy season, let alone guarantee that it will remain at its original price thereafter. (You can find the remaining quantity available by scrolling down)

Wipe Out Allergens And Pollutants From Your Space

Uvlizer’s revolutionary UVO254 Lamp eradicates allergy-causing biological pollutants from their roots in 15 minutes. It does that by tearing down the little molecules that constitute these allergens.

Uvlizer’s revolutionary UVO254 Lamp eradicates allergy-causing biological pollutants from their roots in 15 minutes. It does that by tearing down the little molecules that constitute these allergens.

This is what we call eradicating allergy from its ROOT.

No more back-breaking cleaning… In fact, you can now even stop cleaning your home…

And yet STILL have an allergen-free indoor space just by using this piece of engineering called UVO254 TM Lamp.

Don’t take our words for it…

Listen To What This Doctor Has To Say About Uvlizer

  • Kills dust mites and their eggs, mold, mildew, germs, bacteria, viruses… and other biological threats
  • Alleviates sneezing, runny nose, and other nasty allergy symptoms
  • Makes your indoor air, feel cleaner, crisper, and easier to breath
  • Reduces your brain fog and makes your head feel clearer
  • Safely evicts pests that might be crawling in the basement or under your bed
  • Removes foul odors caused by bacteria, cooking oils, toxic air fresheners, tobacco smoke, and even pets
  • Disinfects the surfaces and the air at the same time, making everything you interact with at home safer
  • Decreases the risk of infection and indoor transmission of disease from one person to another


Your Home Is A Cosy Space For Allergens,
Even If You Use A Purifier

According to the EPA, air pollutants are often 2 to 5 times higher indoors than outdoor, and in some cases, these levels can exceed 100 times that of outdoor levels.

The same agency also states that we spend about 90% of our time indoors…

The same agency also states that we spend about 90% of our time indoors…

So you might be planning to buy an air purifier, or you might even have one already. As most people do, you might think that getting a HEPA air filter will be just enough to relieve allergy symptoms…

Unfortunately, this couldn’t be further from the truth…

Even if you’re getting an expensive air purifier that’s truly HEPA, there’s a serious flaw in how these machines work.

Let me explain:
Let’s imagine you get home after a long day at work. You decide to chill a bit on the sofa before resuming your day… If you have a HEPA filter running, the chances are that the air you’ve been breathing just before you sit is free from allergens.

Let’s imagine you get home after a long day at work. You decide to chill a bit on the sofa before resuming your day… If you have a HEPA filter running, the chances are that the air you’ve been breathing just before you sit is free from allergens.

This is just one example of how you come into contact with allergens daily even if you use a HEPA air purifier. Unless you have an air purifier stuck to your nose, you will breathe those particles and flare up your allergy symptoms.

The only way to make sure your home is free from all pollutants and allergens is to clean the air and the surfaces simultaneously.

Are you going to do this instead?

The common advice is to dust and clean regularly. We are told that it’s the only way to avoid allergens. But it’s so tiring and inefficient.

Are you going to get on a ladder and start cleaning every corner of the room?

Are you going to get on a ladder and start cleaning every corner of the room?

And what about those chemicals you’re going to use in the process?

What if there was a powerful solution that could clean for you from top to bottom? The curtains, the floor, the furniture, the ceiling… can all be allergy-free.

This solution exists! Spoiler: It’s not air purifiers.

Introducing The Power of

UVO0254TM Bulbs

The UVO254™ Bulb is a revolutionary device that allows Uvlizer’s lamps to be 99.9% effective at killing dust mites, bacteria, germs, and even foul smells and bugs. It combines the germicidal power of UV rays at 254nm (The most studied and optimum wavelength for maximum disinfection efficacy) and Ozone’s oxidative properties.

A UVC radiation is a known disinfectant for air, water, and nonporous surfaces. UVC radiation has effectively been used for decades to reduce the spread of bacteria, such as tuberculosis. For this reason, UVC lamps are often called "germicidal" lamps.

"Historically, it's been homeless shelters and medical centers," said Daniel Jones, president of UV Resources of Santa Clarita, Calif, a manufacturer of the fixtures used by the airport. Sales are up tenfold in the past month. "The demand is though the roof," he said.

A UVC radiation is a known disinfectant for air, water, and nonporous surfaces. UVC radiation has effectively been used for decades to reduce the spread of bacteria, such as tuberculosis. For this reason, UVC lamps are often called "germicidal" lamps.

A UVC radiation is a known disinfectant for air, water, and nonporous surfaces. UVC radiation has effectively been used for decades to reduce the spread of bacteria, such as tuberculosis. For this reason, UVC lamps are often called "germicidal" lamps.

"Historically, it's been homeless shelters and medical centers," said Daniel Jones, president of UV Resources of Santa Clarita, Calif, a manufacturer of the fixtures used by the airport. Sales are up tenfold in the past month. "The demand is though the roof," he said.

A UVC radiation is a known disinfectant for air, water, and nonporous surfaces. UVC radiation has effectively been used for decades to reduce the spread of bacteria, such as tuberculosis. For this reason, UVC lamps are often called "germicidal" lamps.

What’s the problem with traditional UV-C lamps?

UV-C rays can be great! Many studies have shown that it kills 99.9% of all biological pollutants and threats. It’s even been used by airlines and hospitals to make sure that their spaces are safe.

There’s only one catch, though…

These rays are most effective when they land on surfaces directly. When they are reflected, however, their efficiency drops. UV-C lamps alone are thus ineffective. A better solution is to use handheld UV-C devices to apply direct light to the desired surfaces.
But who has time for that?

Plus, it doesn’t disinfect the air.

In Uvlizer, we found a solution to these problems.

The problem with traditional Ozone Generator

Ozone also can be great. It can react with germs, bacteria, viruses, and other organic compounds, giving its disinfection properties.

This is why it’s been actively used in hospitals and operating rooms. However, depending on the size of the room, a traditional ozone generator should run for at least 3 to 10 hours. For a whole house, at least 25-30 hours of continuous operation is required to eliminate most pollutants.

While an ozone generator is operational, you should also avoid remaining in the room and find another place to stay. Then, you need to wait another 4-6 hours for excessive ozone concentrations to dissipate.

While an ozone generator is operational, you should also avoid remaining in the room and find another place to stay. Then, you need to wait another 4-6 hours for excessive ozone concentrations to dissipate.

The UV0254TM difference…

By combining the power of UV-C and Ozone you can get the synergistic effect of these two powerful disinfection agents and increase the effectiveness of UVC while decreasing the time needed for Ozone to work. You’d get the same level of sanitization that someone else would get from running an Ozone generator for 25-30 hours in 15-60 minutes!

Uvlizer is the only device using UVO254™ bulbs, allowing for whole room disinfection from top to bottom, including the most hard-to reach areas and even the air itself

We were mainly inspired by the healthcare industry. They use these two to protect their patients and banish infectious diseases from all rooms. Combining these two natural solutions can help keep your space free from bacteria, viruses, fungus, and molds… all without compromising your health and your family’s health by using toxic chemicals.

Of course, and given the power of these elements, you should never be in the same room while the lamp is operating.

+ 260 K



+ 260 K



+ 260 K



This is what Uvlizer can do for you:

Alleviate your sneezing, runny nose, and other nasty allergy symptoms by killing indoor allergens - Life will become a lot more enjoyable with clear sinuses and no allergy symptoms. Your indoor air will feel clean and crisp, and you’ll experience a feeling of well-being that you’ve never felt.

Chemical-free disinfection - Unlike sprays, and chemical disinfectants, the UVO254™ Lamp is chemical-free. Our bodies are already exposed to tons of toxins. By using Uvlizer’s Lamp, you minimize the use of chemical cleaning products and thus reduce the toxic burden on your body. The UVO254™ Lamp is great for surfaces, the environment, your time, and your wallet.

Disinfect your room from top to bottom and everything in between, including the air—no need to wipe out things individually or try to reach hard-to-reach areas. You just turn the Uvlizer on, leave the room and go back to a completely allergen-free, disease-free, and garden-fresh space where you can breathe well and feel safe.

Remove bad odors from their roots - After using Uvlizer’s UVO254™ Lamp, you’ll enter the room with a fresh smell you’ve never experienced before. The UVO254™ Lamp destroys the root cause of fool smell by breaking down bacteria, cooking oils, toxic air fresheners, tobacco smoke, and even pet odors.

Suitable for 100-250 sq ft - The 38W bulb in UVO254™ Bulb can thoroughly disinfect a whole 250 sq ft room like a bedroom, living room, or kitchen in 30-60 minutes.

Enjoy a disease-free home knowing that your furniture and the air you breathe are less likely to transmit infections and diseases like flu and colds.

Built-in safety feature - In Uvlizer, we have your safety on top of our minds. The UVO254™ Lamp has a safety feature that prevents accidental exposure to UV-C light. The safety timer will make it, so you have plenty of time to leave the room. And even if you switched on the Uvlizer by mistake, you won’t get exposed to UV-C rays immediately. The internal timer will allow you to set the cleaning cycle depending on your needs. You can even set the timer at night, sleep, and wake up to a clean and safer environment.

Not Only for Your Home - Uvlizer’s UVO254™ Lamp is also suitable for disinfecting other places you spend time in. Its compact size and lightweight don’t only make it easy to move from room to room, but it can also fit into a medium-sized backpack and allow you to take it with you to the office. Many of our customers use it to fight infections and allergies in their offices, hair salon, spa, dental office, waiting room…

Uvlizer VS Alternatives


  • UVO254 Technology
  • Combines UVGI and Ozone for best results
  • Breaks allergens and pollutants
  • Disinfects the air from bacteria and viruses
  • Decreases the risk of contamination from surfaces
  • Gets rid of bad smell
  • Kills insects



  • Disinfect the surfaces from bacteria and viruses
  • Some sprays can remove allergens if applied directly
  • Up to $200 per month
  • Filled with toxic chemicals
  • Time-consuming
  • Require physical labor
  • Air not disinfected

Air Purifiers

  • Remove allergens and pollutants from theair (True HEPA only)
  • Some filters disinfect the air
  • Require ongoing filter replacement
  • Doesn’t disinfect the surfaces
  • Doesn’t disinfect the furniture and surfaces
  • Doesn’t rid you of bad smell

Deep cleaning services

  • It’s hard to trust other people to thoroughly clean every corner
  • Expensive and includes an ongoing cost
  • Often inconvenient


  • Vacuuming
  • Isn’t effective for dust mites
  • Can transmit allergens to the air and other parts of the house

Try It Before You Decide With Our 90-Days-No-Questions-
Asked Money Back Guarantee.

You make an order, receive it, then try it for a while. Suppose, for any given reason you don’t like it. Or maybe your spouse doesn’t like it. Or you might feel like it’s not adding value to your life. Even if you just need your money back because of urgency, reach out to our 24/7 customer support team within 90 days of making your purchase, and we will provide a full refund.

Make Sure To Hurry And Grab Your UVO Lamp
Before They Run Out

Whenever we do these promotions, people start buying 3,5 and even 10 lamps for their homes and offices. So they fly off our warehouse super quickly.

And once we’re out, we’ll have to take this page down and wait for our next shipment.

Because of what’s happening in the world and all the logistical issues, that could take months, depending on supply and transportation lines.

So if you’re interested in getting a UVO Lamp and finally have a cleaner space that’s free from allergy and disease…

Go ahead and click the “Buy Now” button at the bottom of this page to secure your device today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this a scam? Do you have any evidence it works?

UVC disinfection is not a scam. Many scientific studies prove that UVC light kills almost all biological pollutants and germs, including CDC and EPA studies.

For example, a study published in the "Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine" named "Effect of germicidal UV-C light(254 nm) on eggs and adult of house dust mites, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and Dermatophagoides farinae" showed the efficacy of UVC on killing dust mites and their eggs.

The EPA also states that "UV lamps may destroy indoor biological pollutants such as viruses, bacteria, and molds."

In addition to UVC, countless research suggests that Ozone fumigation applied at appropriate concentrations could effectively control several disturbing organisms, like dust mites, bacteria, viruses, pests... UVO254 lamps combine both UVC and Ozone for best effectiveness.

Is Uvlizer UVO254™ Lamp Safe?

UVO disinfection is perfectly safe if it's used correctly.

Because exposure to UVC light can damage your skin or eyes (Like exposure to sun rays would do), you need to keep people, pets, and plants out of the room while Uvlizer is working. This is the small price you pay for a 99.99% allergen-free, germ-free and garden-fresh space.

The Uvlizer Home Disinfection device also has 2 great features to avoid accidental exposure to the UVC light or the Ozone. (1) It has a remote control that can be used from afar, and (2) it has a self-delay timer for up to 30 seconds with beeping sounds allowing one to leave the room before the bulb lights up.

Why is the UVO254 Lamp better than traditional UVC lamps or traditional Ozone generators?

Does it work on mold?

UVC light does work on mold. However, some molds are more difficult to kill and may take longer exposure times or multiple exposures.

Does it work on bed bugs? Insects? ...

es, UVO254 lamps effectively kill bed bugs, pests, and insects.

Etymologists (scientists who study insects) and other specialists agree that UVC light can kill insects and pests by mutating their DNA. Also, Ozone in its gaseous form can kill insects and pests primarily by targeting their respiratory system.

What happens to allergens and germs after being broken?

The UVO254 lamp breaks down the allergens' DNA completely, making them non-identifiable to the human body and thus ineffective at triggering an allergic reaction.

How long does the bulb last? What if I need a new bulb?

The lifetime of the UV bulb is very long! It’s over 5,000 hours. Think of it this way: if you use it every day, it will take more than 12 years to reach 5,000 hours.

If you do need a replacement bulb, please contact us and we can order one for you.

Does the UV light lose potency over time?

The UV output of all light tubes will very slowly decrease over time due to the build-up of residue inside the tube. However, industry experts say that you can operate a light tube continuously for up to a year - or 9,000 hours - before you need to replace it due to diminished UV output. That is well beyond the lifetime of the Uvlizer bulb, which is 5,000 hours and will provide many years of effective sanitization.

Can I use Uvlizer to sterilize my phone or other personal items?

Although, it’s better to use our UVBox, which is specifically designed for this, you can use Uvlizer by creating a disinfecting room and putting everything you want to disinfect once you get home.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1706 reviews
Judy Hall (Lakeland, US)

We are very happy with this product. We’ve used them 3-4 times in our house while out for shopping or dinner. Everything smelled fresh & clean when we returned. My husband has even used them to clean the inside of our vehicles.It took a dead mouse smell away from one vehicle that we’d worked on for months trying to get rid of which really made us smile! Thank you Uvlizer!

Paul Rosell (Wichita, US)
Dust allergies MUCH better.

I have only had to use my Fluticasone nasal spray once in the last several weeks. I used to need it almost every morning. This product works! It does kill dust mites.

Mike Matusevich (Bluefield, US)
Got what i paid for,

These are amazing , first time i ever bought anything on line that outperformed my expectations. I turned this on for an hour , in my kitchen because of the cooking smells and some lingering garbage odors. I went out for a couple of hours and when and when I returned the kitchen smelled so fresh, I couldn’t believe no lingering smells from cooking and no garbage odors. Absolutely fantastic product, just have see how long the bulbs last. Did the same thing in my musky smelling basement cleared the smells there as well!

Donna Boothby (Palm Harbor, US)

Due to the size and lightweight design, I can move this around to different rooms easily. I've only had it a short time, but am averaging twice a week usage in my bedroom. I've also used it in other rooms. Seems to work at clearing the air. Don't know how much it cleans, but the ozone definitely purifies. I have another ozone machine, but it is heavy and awkward to use. This is much more convenient.

Bradley Shirley (Grove City, US)

Since I bought my first uvlizer I’ve bought 2 more, my allergies have gone away and I’m not waking up sneezing or itching eyes anymore,
I bought one for my daughter and brother who both have allergies and it has helped both of them also. Who knew that something like this would make such a big difference in how much better it makes you feel.

Roanne Kalkman (Smithers, CA)
Love the clean smell

We have a in-home business and our stock room gets musty smelling. I run my uvilizer and in the morning I go into a fresh smelling room. I don’t have allergies so I can’t speak to that but it definitely cleans the air

Wendy Hampton (Parksville, CA)

Once I got it together, I was truly amazed how well the ozone worked. Now I have peace of mind, knowing that I can help control, viruses and bacteria in my home. Thank You Uvlizer Team.

John Peters (London, GB)
UVlizer York

Very pleased so far helps with asthma and allergies